Archive | August, 2010

New business cards are here!

26 Aug

These are the new business cards for Marie Chao Photography, which arrived just in time for next week’s wedding photo shoot of Rebecca and Johnny!  I’m thinking about passing out these cards along with some lollipops to go along with whole theme, which also match my new website (… what do you think?

Hello Summer!

22 Aug

Looks like summer has finally hit Southern California!

I’m on assignment covering the annual Sunset Junction Street Fair in Silverlake for a newspaper.  It never ceases to amaze me the diversity of people in Los Angeles.  At one corner there was a long line of dashing, fit gay men wearing nothing but red-engine leather speedos waiting to get in a bar.  Across the street there were Silverlake hipsters flashing me.  As I kept walking there were a bunch of hippies swaying to the beat of reggae.  And by the flying saucer rides a family is loading up water balloons to play Water Wars.  Ah Los Angeles.