Archive | May, 2011

Family Portrait at the Huntington Library

31 May

Meredith was one of the first Groupon customers who contacted me after she purchased a Groupon for Marie Chao Photography.  Since she has an annual pass to the beautiful Huntington Library, she suggested that as the location for her family portrait session.  It was a perfect spring day: light breeze in the air, puffy clouds in the sky, flowers blooming… I was surprised how many people were waiting in line to get in when we arrived at 10:30 am!

Since the Groupon deal is for a 30-minute portrait session, Meredith already had a location planned – the Lily Pond.  We found a quiet corner by the pond, and off we went.  Doesn’t it look like an image from a fairytale story with his fiery red hair?!

Charlotte is a three-week old (!) beautiful baby girl.  She was super cooperative and I captured some tender moments between her and her family.

I wished that I could’ve stayed at the Huntington Library to walk around… but I had another shoot to run to!  A lady’s 90th birthday party!