Tag Archives: pho

Noodles – from Asia to Europe

29 Jul

With ancestry from Northern China, I was brought up on noodles and dumplings.  One of my fondest childhood memories was sitting around the kitchen table with my mom, aunts and grandmother, listening to the women chat about life, while making dumplings together.  I don’t think I’ve ever met a kind of noodle I didn’t like: the Chinese knife-shredded noodle, pho, ramen, lasagna, pierogi, dumpling…


Therefore, I was ecstatic when I read an article about a journalist from China who traced the supposed journey of noodle from China to Europe.  Here’s an interview with the writer Jen-Lin Liu on Bon Appetit: On the Noodle Road.

I’m planning to get the book from the library as soon as possible and read up on her adventures with noodles.  Maybe I’ll even plan a trip following her journey.  Meanwhile, I guess I’ll reminisce some of my favorite noodles from around the world…Image








